Learning from Home
If students are learning from home
1. Check emails
Check your student Hope Valley College emails for specific tasks and homework that teachers have set.
2. Check Arbor
Check Arbor for specific tasks and homework that teachers have set.
3. Visit the subject 'learning from home' pages
Visit the subject 'learning from home' pages on SharePoint, if the work set on Arbor has been completed (students will need their school login) for subject-specific work. The links are below:
- Art
- Catering
- Computer Science
- Drama
- Engineering
- English
- Food Technology
- French
- Geography
- German
- History
- Maths
- Music
- P.E.
- Science
- Spanish
- Technology
- Textiles
4. Access further online resources if necessary
If the work set in 1, 2 and 3 above has been completed, students can use the links on the Remote Login page to access Oak Academy, Seneca and GCSEPod for additional learning resources.
There are different types of homework students might be asked to do.
- Consolidation tasks: using knowledge organisers, quizzing and practice exercises to consolidate the learning done in class.
- Enrichment tasks: regular wider reading, Independent Learning projects, extended tasks and enrichment activities.
Homework calendar
The homework calendar in Years 7, 8 and 9 enables students to plan ahead and know when homework will be set:
- Students should also write down homework instructions in their planners and tick off the tasks as they complete them.
- As well as this, teachers will share brief details of the homework set via Arbor. Assignments set can be seen on the Arbor parent portal or app. Students can visit the Arbor Parent Portal Help page for more information about where to look
If students find it difficult to access online homework or need more help, they can come to homework club in ICT1 before school every day.
Making learning stick
After anyone has learnt something new, they will gradually begin to forget what has been taught. Students are encouraged to review their learning regularly to help retain the knowledge. Knowledge organisers and class notes can be used to help make learning stick, as well as:
- Don’t just read – be active.
- Get someone at home or a friend to test you.
- See what you can remember by using ‘look, cover, write, check’.
- Self-quiz by writing questions and then trying to answer them without looking back at the information.
- Create flashcards with the key definitions on them.
Apart from coming into school as much as they can, the most important thing students can do to improve their learning is to keep reading. We want students to develop their reading skills so that they can understand their lessons and be ambitious with the courses they study. Reading for pleasure is a good habit that will last a lifetime.
- Reading well will improve your performance in all your GCSE subjects – just as much in maths and science as in English.
- Reading regularly helps you to develop as a person and explore who you are: it helps you to understand and relate to other people, especially if you are reading fiction.
- Reading is great for your wellbeing.
- Students can use our amazing library - there’s something for everyone.
- Students can ask for reading suggestions from the librarian or their teachers.
- Students are encouraged to take on school reading challenges.
- They can join one of our book clubs to make reading a social occasion.